4. Project Starling Ecosystem

ProjectStarling can be considered an umbrella term for a large ecosystem of projects which are connected by the plug and play modularity of the systems. This page lists some of the key github projects and containers which are used throughout this project. In the future this page can hopefully also link to extension modules which have been developed by users.

4.1 Contents

4.2 Core Starling Projects and Containers

4.2.1 Project Starling

link - https://github.com/UoBFlightLab/ProjectStarling

This repository contains the core elements of the system. It contains the source for the following docker containers:

In addition it also contains the source for the following containers for simulation

It also contains some example usage:

4.2.2 Murmuration

link - https://github.com/StarlingUAS/Murmuration

This repository contains the main Command Line Interface and all of the docker-compose and kubernetes deployment files. These deployment files rely on a number of the containers in this file.

4.2.3 Starling Simple Offboard

link - https://github.com/mhl787156/starling_simple_offboard

This repository contains a basic PX4 simple offboard controller, abstracting away mavros.

4.2.4 Starling Allocator

link - https://github.com/mhl787156/starling_allocator

This repository contains a trajectory allocator project allocating trajectories to visible mavros vehicles on the network (running starling simple offboard)

4.2.5 Starling UI/ GUI/ User Interfaces Starling Ui Dashly

link - https://github.com/mhl787156/starling_ui_dashly

This respository contains a more extensible replacement GUI for thie basic starling ui. It can be used to upload trajectories for use with the allocator and simple offboard. Starling UI Example

link - https://github.com/StarlingUAS/starling_ui_example

This repository contains an example UI application which uses the ros web-bridge/rosbridge-suite * uobflightlabstarling/starling-example-ui Deprecated Starling UI

4.3 Specific and Applied Projects

4.3.1 Coex Clover (clover_ros2_pkgs)

link - https://github.com/UoBFlightLab/clover_ros2_pkgs

This repository contains libraries and dockerfile for building the software layer which controls hardware on the Clover drone

4.3.2 Fenswood Farm

link - https://github.com/StarlingUAS/FenswoodScenario

This repository contains the model and docker-compose file for the Fenswood Farm scenario for the University of Bristol Aerial MSc Group Project.