27. Rosbridge-suite

Builds a container that serves a ros2 web-bridge using the rosbridge-suite

The rosbridge is known as a 'json' bridge as it converts topics into json to be sent via websocket.

27.1 Installation

This is built using the ui target in the system Makefile to the container uobflightlabstarling/rosbridge-suite:

cd <root of ProjectStarling>
make ui

27.2 Running

This bridge is run using with default port 9090:


docker run -it --rm --net=host uobflightlabstarling/rosbridge-suite


docker run -it --rm --network=projectstarling_default -p 9090:9090 uobflightlabstarling/rosbridge-suite

The port can be specified by passing the environment variable ROSBRIDGE_PORT, i.e.

docker run -it --rm --net=host -e ROSBRIDGE_PORT=<port> -p <localport>:<port> uobflightlabstarling/rosbridge-suite

27.3 Application

This can be used with any application which supports the ros2 web bridge suite.

An example ui application is given in StarlingUAS/starling_ui_example

A more complex system would be the dashboard created by foxglove studios: https://studio.foxglove.dev/?

Note: Starling doesn't quite support foxglove just yet, there is a known bug here: https://github.com/foxglove/studio/issues/2035. If this is fixed it will be compatible.

27.3.1 Kubernetes Deployment

The UI can also be run within the kubernetes deployment and network. To start as a kubernetes Deployment simply apply the kubernetes.yaml file in this directory.

sudo k3s kubectl apply -f kubernetes.yaml

27.4 Notes

This dockerfile installs mavros-foxy and gazebo-foxy messages.

If other messages are required then either this container needs to be rebuilt with the new messages included (e.g. a build step) or they need to be injected in using the ros.env.d pipeline.