35. starling-vicon

This image contains a Vicon UDP to ROS2 bridge. It has some additional configuration to work with Starling, in that it reads the /etc/starling/vehicle.config file. This listens on port 51001, (the default Vicon UDP port) and retrieves the pose information for a target object. This pose information is then forwarded to the appropriate MAVROS topic.

35.1 Contents

35.2 Environment Variables

Name Default Value Description
VEHICLE_NAME {unset} Vicon target object name.
VEHICLE_NAMESPACE {unset} Namespace for mavros topics. Set to override default value of vehicle_${VEHICLE_MAVLINK_SYSID}

When unset, both VEHICLE_NAME and VEHICLE_NAMESPACE are derived from the vehicle.config file, reading the name and MAVLink system ID defined there.

35.3 Behaviour Notes

35.3.1 Running on a vehicle

Ensure /etc/starling/vehicle.config is mounted. The container is then configured from the contents of that file.