33. starling-sim-ardupilot-gazebo

Based on starling-sim-base-core

This image contains the base Gazebo installation and adds the ArduPilot specific plugin.

33.1 Environment Variables

Name Default Value Description
AP_SYSID 1 MAVLink system ID to be used by the SITL. Can also be set to "ordinal" or "ip"
AP_SYSID_BASE 1 Base system ID for ordinal-based generation
AP_SITL_ADDRESS IP address for Gazebo plugin to use to talk to ArduPilot instance
AP_SITL_HOST {null} Hostname for Gazebo plugin to use to talk to ArduPilot instance. Set to override IP address.
VEHICLE_NAMESPACE vehicle_${AP_SYSID} ROS2 Namespace in which to place vehicle sensor topics (e.g. gimbal_cmd)

33.1.1 AP_SYSID

Sets the MAVLink system ID to be used by the SITL. This must either be a value between 1 and 255 inclusive or set to "ordinal" or "ip". Other values will cause the container to exit.

When set to "ordinal, the entrypoint script will attempt to retrieve a 0-indexed ordinal from the end of the container's hostname. The hostnames should be of the form ${HOSTNAME}-${ORDINAL}, e.g. sitl-0, sitl-1, sitl-3. This behaviour supports deployment of this image as part of a Kubernetes StatefulSet.

When set to "ip", the entrypoint script retrieves the last octet of the container's IP address and uses that as the system ID. e.g. will result in a system ID of 4.

At present, the system ID is set by appending it to the parameter file. If a custom parameter file is supplied, it should not contain the SYSID_THISMAV parameter.


This variable only affects the container when using the ordinal-based generation outlined above. The value set here will be added to the ordinal from the hostname to derive the MAVLink system ID. If the resultant value is not a valid system ID, i.e. it is not between 1 and 255 inclusive, the container will exit.